My main art site:

Most of my art, photography & animations & just silly random doodles can be found on my DeviantArt account, Sorren-Chan.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

EVE Online: Rioku 2


First of all, this is called the
Rioku 2 because the design for Rioku 1 sucked terribly.

That being said, THIS WAS THE HARDEST DRAWING I EVER DID! But boy was it ever super fun to do! I hadn't had that much fun drawing in a long time. I should be doing more concept art, especially of ships. Took a lot of drafts to do this ship but it was worth it. There was a LOT of measuring involved with this. I love my ruler. Got to use my animation disk & table again since school too, that was fun. Not too bad for my first space ship drawing ever.

I made the planet, logo, & of coarse the ship. The star stock BG credit goes to budgie. All of this was drawn by hand, taken over 40 hours. (The planet however was done all in photoshop). Colored digitally in photoshop.

Here is the Rioku 2. The ship has 5 weapons If the engine is damaged, the ship breaks apart in the middle & detaches the damaged engine. (Looks kind of like a jet when detached). It has 2 engines, the main one, (circle part), and the back up one. (It's yellow in the colored picture). There is a view deck on top of the ship for the crew to observe the space. A window at the front of the ship is the pilots area. Many lights adorn the outside of the ship. The hull of the ship is the front. Right before the pilots area, the ship opens up the front most part where it can carry items or other ships.

DETAILS (Single shots):


Monday, July 26, 2010

Demi Lovato

So! Here it is! The picture that I have been working on for like what 3 weeks on & off now? The original pencil line art has been done for month, but I only recently started coloring it. This picture is the reason I haven't been submitting all my other stuff, cause I really wanted to finnish this. What took so long? That stupid head of hair. If you may have noticed, I NEVER colored hair this way, so it was something new. I used a tutorial for it which worked out not to bad. Also that bloody BG. That is version like 10 of it cause I just wasn't happy with it. I'm still not 100% happy with it but whatever.

So! This is supposed to be a cartoon version of Demi Lovato. (Pic I used as ref right here) Yeah I know it doesn't look exactly like her. But whatever, still looks good. I plan on sending this to her... somehow. Yeah. I like Demi Lovato. Got a problem with that? Deal with it. I don't want any haters flaming her here. If your going to flame anything, flame the art since this is an art site after all. Save your flaming of the stars for someone who cares.

Anywho, I think that it turned out not to bad. I added some light skin colored make-up -ish to her face which worked. Hope you all like! Now I can start on some other artwork. I should scan those soon... & color the ones I did....

Demi Lovato Logo © Demi herself I guess
Art © Minami Akayama Kyuki (Alex Molloy)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Anime Stuffs

A little update. Yeah it's anime stuff, but I'm trying different styles just for fun. Haven't worked on too much lately, sadly. DOing other stuff. Plus most of the stuff I draw every day are just little doodles for practice. Nothing too awesome.

On a side note, IM GOING TO JAPAN! Yup! In November. I sure can't wait! It's going to be awesome! I may post some pics here, I'm not sure, we'll see come November.

More stuff to come soon!

Whoo! Drew this at work & for once no reference! Then I got home, scanned the pic & realized it sucked. So I pretty much drew this on the computer, which is pretty awesome for me. Took ALL night to do this simple thing, since I practically did it from scratch. I did have a bit of reference once I was re-doing it for Roxas hair. I love my Roxas figure. (& Axel's too of coarse).

PS: I need to work on my chibiness for drawings.. Axels pose kind sucks, but I do love how Roxas turned out.

Axel & Roxas © Kingdom Hearts 2
Art © Minami Akayama Kyuki (Alex Molloy)
So ~Karuranya asked me to color her drawing, (Here), & seeing as I don't have any drawing on the go, yet, I said sure! It was fun! & I tried a different way of coloring. (Not using the burn tool for shading, though I did for some bits). I think it worked out. Could be better but I think it works.

I do believe he was an original character but someone said he looked like Yagami Raito from Death Note, so just to be safe, I'm putting him in fan art, cause that's his name now.

Original Drawing © ~Karuranya
Yagami Raito © Death Note
Jean Texture ©
[link] by ~NeverlandStock
BG thingy ~
Coloring © Minami Akayama Kyuki (Alex Molloy) (~

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Silent Tears . LOST

Whew! My first animation of the year! & in months, Haven't animated since I free lanced this summer. Its finished, for now, until I maybe decide to clean it up & such & fix what I want (Like get that moving logo to go near the end or something & fade in & out but I was having trouble & its getting late so meh).

This is the first time I did hair moving, its simple, nothing complicated but I really like how it turned out, considering I never did anything like this before & Im not sure how hair should move. (I looked EVERY where for good ref vids but I couldn't find any. Sad).

Anywho, enjoy!

PS: The song is LOST (kind of part of Liberatio) by Krypteria. Check em out they re goooood.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Some arts from the new year

Well its time for a much needed update! Been doodling & drawing here & there, but nothing was good enough to post. So here are a few that I think are good enough, or somewhat, to be seen by human eyes lol. Yeah I know some have proportion issues & flaws & such, but meh. I can only get better with time. ^^

Meet Demi. She's a Hikaran royal. Well she wasnt always. She was just your average star attater on the Hikaran Zen Ball team. However when she meets someone slightly more intimadating to her, she freezes. Poor Demi. She's 17 & a survivor (sort of) of heart cancer.

I will be posting more info on her & the Hikaran peopel later. I don't have time to write it all now lol.

NOTE: The language in the BG is Hikaran. It's a language I made up to go go with the world of Hikaru. I made the entire culture, language & everythign else up... During math class back in high school. Ahh math class. You were good for some awesome ideas lol. Sadly no one knows Hiran cept for me...

Also, this is the first drawing I did of the new year & first one colored ^^
Kashaha, Hkqwer masqa yc yba oclz! ^^ (Remember, bring peace to the world! in Hikaran ^^)

Pose Referenced

Meet Done this just in time for Valentines day. My favorite Yaoi paring, AkuRoku. (Axel & Roxas from KH2)
Chibi Sarrian!Whoot! Happy new years & so forth! ^^

Don't feel like writing a fancy description. Done for a Christmas girft for my cuz.

I've been working on this for at least a week, didn't take long to draw but the color I wasn't happy with. Took a LONG time to get to this, & Im still not the happiest, but my other artist friends say it looks good so Im taking their word for it... for now. If you have a comment on the color & shading, please let me know as I want to make it look right. Maybe its ok, but I've been looking at it for so long that maybe it looks odd to me when its not. Oh Well.

Demi Saa'den, Sarrien & Kazuo © Minami Akayama Kyuki (me)
Axel & Roxas © Kingdom Hearts 2

Speaking of colors, I went with a triad of the primary colors, representing the start of colors. (What I mean, all colors come from the primary, I guess thats like the start of colors). & what better way to show them on then with one of the oldest ways of art, a paint brush.