My main art site:

Most of my art, photography & animations & just silly random doodles can be found on my DeviantArt account, Sorren-Chan.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


My entry for the Dream contest on Deviant art.

This was originaly a pic with Makino & Minami together, then I read about that contest, & thought, this would be so cool! Dont worry, Ill finnish the original pic later.

One of my dream is to make the world a greener place & by planting one tree at a time, we can totally achieve it. Cause Life's a climb, but the view is so worth it.

Dare you to DREAM big, reach them. Like a shooting star, we can go the distance!

Yeah I know song quotes, but so true.

Character & Logo design © Ryan Cole & Minami Akayama Kyuki
Silent Tears © Minami Akayama Kyuki

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Silent Tears . Somebody Save Me

Somebody save me, I'm close to the edge - someone to fill me with life give me dreams I've never had - Somebody save me and answer my pleas - someone to lift me back up and put my heart at ease - Somebody help me please

I decided to try something new with my coloring, makeing the line art like they do on tv, not just all black. I think it worked out very nicely. ^^ Oh & the clothign she is wearing, is actual clothing I own. Minus the desing on the pants.

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki's hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic evens of her past haunts her to her death?

Character & Logo design © Ryan Cole & Minami Akayama Kyuki
Silent Tears © Minami Akayama Kyuki

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Light Up the Night Sky

This is actually the newest piece of animation I have Did it this summer as part of my free lance work. The whole animation together I didn't feel like posting, just the fireworks part cause their cool. Took around 2 hours or so & I had reference.

Its also the first thing I did on Flash after buying it ^^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sell Sheet Whoot!

Geez I can't belive I didn't upload this like when it was done 2 maybe 3 months ago. Oh well, here for your enjoyment, here is my sell sheet.

Ain't it perty? Yeah I just noticed the oval thing that's under my name is a bit warped at the end of it. I shall have to fix that some time.

Demo Reel V02

Well, here is my Demo-Reel again. Not much has changed, just I re-did the horse walk animation so I updated my reel. I wanted to make all my pencil animations darker, but I couldnt remember how to do it. Sad. haha

EXPLANATION OF DEMO REEL: In short I designed all of the characters, did all the clean up, layouts, in betweens, roughs, After Effects, for every thign except 2 things. I did not desing the Flash walking character (the one with the dude walking across the screen). I also did not desing the Flash character at the end (If they are going to eat us...) But I did animate them and I have permission to use them. Most of these animations are traditional, untherwise they are done in Flash. This demo reel was done in Adobe After Effects.

Note: The quality may not be the best, I had to change the settings in order to make it smaller to fit online, in which case, loss of quality. If anyone knows how to make the file size smaller yet able to keep the quality, please let me know.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Yay an update! Nothing that I drew lately was good enough to post online for employers or just anyone to see. So heres a few doodles of what I though was good enough to go online. Plus, this needed an update so you all know Im not dead, Im just hiding haha. OH! & I re-did my horse walk animation, so I'll be updating my demo reel soon. Keep on the look out!

So I finally hooked up my scanner & now you shall all see some new arts by me. So be happy. XD I quite like this dude. This poor guy was nameless up until 5 mins ago & I've been drawing him here & there all summer! Oh my.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Animation Web Site

Hey my website is now online if anyone wants to have a gander at it. Here is the link:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Demo Reel

Here it is, my newly finished Demo Reel. Its always going to be still in the works for I will alwyas be learning, but for now this is as finished as it shall be. Enjoy!

Note: The quality may not be the best, I had to change the settings in order to make it smaller to fit online, in which case, loss of quality. If anyone knows how to make the file size smaller yet able to keep the quality, please let me know.

Portfolio 2009

Here is what I have after my final portfolio deliverable was due. This is what I will be presenting at Jalloo. I shall update it throught time, but here it is for now. Enjoy!

My updadted business card & below is the portfolio.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Daisy Chain

Here is my link of the daisy chain my class did. It doesnt have all the scenes, I removed them for they were badly animated and didnt make much sense. So the start, SC2 and the end is really all you need. Not bad for one of my first animations done in flash. (Of coarse thie is the revised version so the animation looks better than it originally did).

Final Motivation

Well it's finaly done, my technique run is complete. Uh, about the color on the mouse, he was completely filled in with color, but for some reason when you export it it kind of makes some bits of him see through & I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it yet, so just look at the animtion instead of the color. I may submit a colored version of the BG with just the uncolered mouse later.

Voices: I' smell cheese' done by Katelyn (Chib) Stetson & 'Ooo Cat' done by Chrissi Harper.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

They Better Not Eat US!

This was an animation test provided by Jon Lame. He made the character and did the keys. Our job was to inbetween the little guy, do the lip sync and add other various elements to make him more awesome.

Silent Tears . Cover Art

Silent Tears is a comic that I have created in short about a girl in search of revenge. But she is haveing a hard time getting to that point. I've written the scripts for the first volume, which are now online, (see below). Someday, I shall draw them out, once school is done perhaps. For now the scripts are written as they would be for a tv showm or movie. Why? Because I didn't know how to write comic scripts. I recently found out & I am in the process of writing them in comic form. NOTE: Minami Akayama Kyuki is me, Alex Molloy.

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki's hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic evens of her past haunts her to her death?

Volume 1: Tears of a Warrior. Read the scripts on DeviantArt.

Volume 2 features Kayla Connery, Minami's best friend on the cover. Volume 2 not available online yet.

Character & Logo design © Ryan Cole & Minami Akayama Kyuki
Silent Tears © Minami Akayama Kyuki

Mock Demo Reel

Well here is my second mock demo reel. Im re-doing it now for my thrid deliverable, but I thought it would be cool if you saw some progression in my demo rell, so here it is before. Music is used with permission. I will post my new demo reel with better stuff on it online when that's done, and when my final demo reel is done, that will be here too.

EDIT: I got some revisions on this, and as soon as I finnish them and update this with new and better stuff, I will post it here.

--Alex (Minami) Molloy

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Motivation BG

Here is my latest BG for my latest animation assigment, which will be my first officially fully colored animation. It will be epic haha.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Goofy Head Turn

A quick little head turn excercise we did in class of Disney's well known character, Goofy. I love this guy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Animation Sell Sheets

Here is my first draft of my sell sheet, done for the end of my portfolio class last term.

I got lot's of revisions to do in order to make this the best sell sheet ever, but it still looks good for the moment. It shall be even better when it's done, near the end of June.

Some of the characters on this page, in no order: Mike, Venessa Doumont, Minami Kyuki, Mark Stagger, some life drawing, and Tori.

Venessa Expressions

This is Venessa Doumont from my comic Silent Tears. This was my first animation done in my second year of animation at NBCC. Turned out very nice I find. I have a colored version as well, but some how the timing got all messed up, so I got to fix that before I post it.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Portfolio Sketches

Here be some skeches from my 2nd mock portfolio.

Here are some drawings of GSG (Gunsling Girl) and August. GSG was a character I designed last year for character design class and August was done this year for my first lip sync.
The top 2 characters are Minami (South) Kyuki & the twins at the bottom left are Venessa and Natalie Doumont all from my comic Silent Tears. The dude who is obiously in pain is Khän from an old story of mine Cursed. (He is currenently being cursed in this shot).
All charatcers on this page are from my comic Silent Tears. Top left is Mark Stagger, top right is kid Minami, bottom left is Kayla Connery and bottom right in Minami.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Life Drawing Again

Well it's about time I uploaded this thing. Here are some of my updated life drawing portfolio pages. This wont be my final product, but it's coming along. More of my second term mock porfolio will be up here soon.

This one speaks for it's self; heads hands and feet.

Long poses.

Short Guestures.

Character guestures.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Some layout pages for my mock portfolio.

This is my best layout so far. Worked really hard on this too.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Storyboard Pages

These were some pages of storyboard panels for my mock portfolio.

This was the storyboard for my 10 second Flash short. We never got to animate that. Too bad.

The animatic on YouTube (it has a newer version, revised. That version is the second post on this blog, of February 2009) link
Part of the un-revised Silent Tears storyboard, done compleatly in Japanese. (It has since been revised and had a style change). Parts of that will be posted later.

The animatic on YouTube: Silent Tears Animatic
The revised animatic on You Tube: Silent Tears Revised

One of the first storyboards I ever did. This was a piece of my part for our groups radio play, based on the 6Teens style.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Life Drawing

Here are some pages from my portfolio, life drawing pages that is. This is of coarse not my final portfolio. This was a mock one for class done in January. A better one will be posted later.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Card

An animatic for my 10 second shot for flash class. (Yes I do both voices).

But why does the dudes voice sound guyish if ye be a girl? Well cause I adjusted the pitch on it that's why. ^^

Monday, February 16, 2009

Welcome to the Art of South!

Well, I have been forced to start a new blog, but that's ok. I shall have fun re-posting all my artwork, new & old. Hope you enjoy your self while you are here! I shall try to post as often as I can. ^^

Welcome to the Art Of South.